Can You Walk a Bike with a Flat Tire?

Yes, you can. Walking your bike with a flat tire will do nothing to the bike.

You can walk your bikes after it has got a flat as far as you observe the issue carefully so that you don’t make it worse as you go on.

For safety reasons and for the sake of not complicating the matter even more, you shouldn’t walk your bike for too long after the tires have been punctured.

Walking your bikes with flat tires is indeed very possible but you should however get your tires fixed as soon as you can.

How long can you walk a bike with a flat tire?

Depending on where you are when your bike tires get flat, you can still walk your bike for a short time while you look for the available options that would allow you to fix your bike up for further use and maximization.

You have to also consider the kind of damages that has been incurred by the leakages in your bike tires before you walk them to your next location.

Sometimes, the tires might be punctured so badly that you may not even be able to walk the bike for a long or even short time after the accident.

On average, you can walk the bike for 3 hours after you get a flat tire that strands you in a particular place.

If you have locations around you that you can stay in for the time till you get help, you shouldn’t have to walk that far before you get your bike fixed.

Walking the bike for a long time can further damage the tires if they are already punctured and/or torn.

Your best option would be to get yourself out of that situation by calling a friend or a family member to come to pick you up from where you are stranded.

Calling a taxi is also a good option for you to consider rather than damaging your bike tires more by trying to walk the bike while you have flats.

What to check before walking a bike with a flat tire

Can You Walk a Bike With a Flat Tire

Before you walk your bike with a flat tire or flat tires, you should keep a couple of considerations in your mind as you go on.

Without due considerations, you might run into other problems on the road as you walk your bike on flat tires.

  • Check the cause of the flat tire
  • Check how much damage has been done
  • Check the distance to the next tire repairer

Check the cause of the flat tire

First of all, you need to check for the cause of the flat tires in the first place before you start walking the bike.

If you don’t take out the splinter or sharp object that has caused your bike tires to go flat, you will most likely find your tires getting more and more damaged as you walk your bike to the nearest repair location or your home.

How much damage has been done?

Secondly, you need to check how much damage has been caused by the puncturing of your bike tires. From the way it looks, you can then safely decide if you can walk your bike home or to the bike repair station without any hassles.

Some bikes may not be able to go on for long after the tires have become deflated, you have to duly consider not damaging the wheel and rims of your bike by forcing it to go the extra miles on flat tires.

Check the distance to walk your flat tire

Check the distance you have to go first before you decide to walk your bike with flats or not.

In addition to all these, you also have to check the area you have gotten the flat well enough and decide if it is safe or not before you proceed.

If the area is not safe, then you surely have to get away from there as soon as possible. In the cases of unsafe environments, walking your bike out of there as quickly as possible (to safety) is the best option to take.

What happens when you ride a bike with a flat tire? 

You can technically ride your bike when you have got flat tires on them but you probably shouldn’t do this for safety reasons.

Bike-riding on flat tires is very dangerous and can make you incur injuries on your person as well as further damages to the bike that you are riding.

You should only ride your bike with flat tires if you have no other options available to you at the time that you first discovered that you have got a flat tire or flat tires.

You are much better off repairing the bike on the go or just walking it if you have a flat that disrepairs the bike tires.

If you can’t patch up your bike tires when you notice the loss of air, you should only consider riding on them for the following reasons:

  • The area that you are in when the flat occurs isn’t safe for you to stick around
  • The tires are not completely flat and have only lost a little bit of air
  • You are in a hurry to get somewhere important very quickly

Your safety and health should be the topmost concern for you as proceed to ride your bike with the tires flat and losing air.

Even though you have the right reasons for doing this, you are still really liable to get serious injuries that could further complicate your situation once you ride your bike with a flat tire.

What can happen to you and your bike when you ride on a flat tire? 

  • Bike performance level reduces
  • You can risk falling off your bike
  • Wheels and rims of bike tires could get chaffed
  • Potential body stress to rider

Bike performance level reduces

When the bike tires are flat, the performance level will obviously be lowered and then you will find yourself having to pedal harder to get the efficiency and effectiveness that you are used to when riding your bike.

You can risk falling off your bike

Riding your bike on flat tires puts you and the bike in harm’s way because the flats will definitely get worse as you continue to make use of the bike in its bad condition.

You risk falling off the bike and causing some serious damages to yourself and your bike once you ride it with tires that are punctured.

Wheels and rims of bike tires could get chaffed

The wheels and rims of the bike will soon get chaffed and damaged due to the impact on the ground once the tires no longer offer the protection that it used to offer to both of these important bike parts.

Instead of incurring more damages to the bike, it is safer and more economical for you to just walk it if you can’t repair it at first.

Potential body stress

Since your body tries to make up for the poor performance of your tires at that moment, you will find yourself straining and getting yourself unnecessarily worked up while you ride your bike with flat tires.

This poor riding posture and huge muscle strains could leave you aching for hours and/or days on end if you are not careful.

Stressing over the risk of a fall is not a good way to ride your bike at all. Therefore, it is not safe for you to ride your bike when you have flat tires.

In order to protect yourself and your bike from further damages, you should consider fixing your bike on the spot or simply walking it to the place you can get it truly repaired.

Riding your bike without the tires in the optimal condition can give you problems that will put your life at risk, as well as incur more damages to your bike and give you more financial responsibilities to handle when you want to repair your bike.

For safety reasons, you shouldn’t ride your bike when you have got flat tires on them even though you might be able to do this in the meantime.

Safe DIY hacks to patch up your bike tires quickly

Can You Walk a Bike With a Flat Tire

Repairing your bike when you get flat tires on the go is the best option for you to take so as not to incur further damages to your bike as you keep riding on it.

If you have the right tools for basic bike tire repair and/or patching, you can safely ride your bike back on the road if you have the correct knowledge to get the job done.

If you know just what to do, you shouldn’t have any trouble fixing up your bike no matter the kind of damages that have been sustained by the tires on the road.

Remember that if you don’t fix the bike tires quickly, they will continue to lose air and flatten under the pressure of the bike.

To avoid being stranded whenever flat tires occur, you should get yourself the right tools that will enable you to get the tire fixing and repairs done as efficiently as you possibly can for the moment.

Some of the tools you need for the fundamental repair of your bike tires include:

  • Bike Repair Kit
  • Spare Bike Inner Tubes
  • Bike Pumps
  • Some water (Optional)

Once you have the tools above, you should have all you need to efficiently fix your bike tires whenever they are punctured and get flattened as you ride them on the road.

Without these tools with you, it is often very hard for you to get your bikes fixed and you will invariably have to walk them or call a taxi to get you to the nearest place you can get them fixed.

With the right tools with you, follow these steps to fix your bike tires up:

  • Take the wheels off the bike
  • Find out where the flat is coming from
  • Patch the tires and tubes of the bike
  • Pump the tube and install them back in place
  • Install the wheels back in place
  • Check to see if your repairs worked


You have to first remove the wheels from the bike so that you can inspect the damage more appropriately and find out where the leak is coming from in the tires.

Keep your bike upright before you take the wheels off of it and you shouldn’t have any problems with this task.

Make sure that you shift the drivetrain of your bike if you want to remove the rear wheel of the bike.

You take the wheels off by opening the quick release of the bike or un-threading the thru-axle of the wheels. When this is done, the wheel will then be removed appropriately.

Once you have taken the wheels out, you can then take the tires out of the bike for proper inspection and maintenance.


After you have taken out the wheels and the tires, you should immediately start looking for where the leakage (or leakages) is coming from in your bike.

All you need to do is run your fingers along the inside of the bike rims and tires to find out where air is being lost to the atmosphere.

Your fingers are very sensitive and are often very capable of finding out where the leaks are in your bike tires and/or tubes when you use them to search for the issues.

You can also pour some water on the bike and pump it up with your bike pumps so that the source of the leak is made more apparent to you.


Once you have found out where your tires and tubes are leaking from, the next step for you to take is to repair and/or patch the punctures and cuts with the right kind of bike repair tools that you have with you.

You can safely use bike patches to patch the punctures on your bike tubes when you press the patch till it sticks to the tube and cover up the problem areas that you have noticed.

This kind of patching is often very easy to do when you know what you are doing as you repair the bike. Bike patchwork should be learned by every bike rider because of the emergencies that could inevitably happen on the road.

If the tubes cannot be patched up because of irreversible damages, you should get new bike tubes as soon as you can. Some of the best bike tubes for you to consider buying today are the following:

  • Listenman bike inner tube with bike tube repair tool kits
  • Bell standard bike tubes


Once you have thoroughly patched up the tubes and tires of your bike, you should then inflate the bike tires and tubes back to their original recommended size so that you can ride comfortably on them.

Insert the inflated tube back in the bike tires and then place the tires back on the rim by rolling the bead farther away from you.

Once you have fitted the tubes back carefully in the tires, you can then pump your tires back up to the appropriate pressure that is great for you and the bike.


After you have pumped up the tires to the appropriate pressure, you should then attach the wheels back in their place.

Ensure that the drivetrain is at the opposite side of the quick release and/or thru-axle lever before you re-install the wheels.

Close the release and thread the thru-axle closely once you have your bike wheels in place.


Your bike should now work and ride really well once you have gone through all these procedures the right way.

Check the balance and pressure of your bike tires by riding on them once you are done with your repairs.

If there are still some inconsistencies that you can notice, you should tweak the repairing and patching of your bike till you finally get the good results that you desire for your bike.

Conclusion on walking a bike with a flat tire

If you have no repair kit with you at the time of your bike incurring a flat tire, you should do your best to walk your bike home or to the nearest place where you can get it appropriately fixed.

You shouldn’t ride your bike when the tires are flat because this will give you some issues with extra injuries and/or damages that could affect you and your bike due to the lack of safety and support from the tires.

Carrying a standard bike repair kit and knowing the basic ways to get your bike repaired is the best way to give yourself the assurance that you can face any of the challenges that come with having a flat tire (or flat tires) confidently.

Call up a friend or family member or a taxi to come to pick you up if you find yourself stranded and unable to ride your bike at the moment of you getting the flat tires.

A quick reaction to the problem could very well save you all the time and money that you can imagine.

These are some of the best bike repair and patch kits that you can use to repair your bike tires very efficiently once you have gotten yourself flat tires:

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