
Major causes of auto crashes on our roads can be traced to faulty wheels or dilapidated tires. Something many road users take for granted.

Tireful.com is borne out of my passion to provide invaluable information about tires of all kinds of vehicles.

Tireful.com readers shall be delivered with authentic information that helps them ply the roads safely without having to break the bank. At TIREFUL — beyond safety information, you also get top notch maintenance tips that help you keep your vehicle tires in good shape for any kind of road you ply. These tips as well help you save a lot of dollars that could have gone to the tire shop or repair man.

Tire blowout is one of the major causes of automobile accidents. Although, this occurrence can not be totally eradicated but it can be reduced exponentially if it is perfectly managed. TIREFUL is your guide on how to manage your tires.

Who’s behind TIREFUL.com?

My name is Eric, I am nicknamed Eric The Tire Guy or Eric Da Tire Man. I am not just called by Da Tire Man, it’s what I do, it’s what I enjoy doing.

I started fixing and patching tires when I was 17 — in the year 2011. Since then, I have gathered wealth of experience that qualifies me to guide and help people fix their automobile wheels.

I’m a professional at tire fixing and if you follow me via this blog, you are definitely going to save some few bucks and get more safety tips.

Thanks for reading TIREFUL.COM!


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